Ride-hailing FAQs

Research and articles: The hidden costs of (under-regulated) ride-hailing

In Toronto (and elsewhere), ride-hailing giants like Uber are working hard to convince us that they can deliver public benefits without additional regulatory oversight.  They claim ride-hailing has reduced car ownership and vehicle congestion, complemented rather than undermined public transit and has provided good jobs. The evidence suggests otherwise.

Why are ride-hailing companies spending so much to convince us they do no harm?  Because many cities and regions - like Toronto - are beginning to restore public oversight over the industry.  And we need them to, if we want to address the hidden costs of unregulated ride-hailing.  Here, we’ve assembled a (non-exhaustive) set of recent studies and articles documenting these impacts. Come back for updates!

With better regulations, ride-hailing can work for us all. 

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